Build The Vision

The hunt is on for a dedicated interest based learning house in NW Houston. A place for tinkering, making, learning and more open to kids of all ages.

Here are some of the must haves and room for the community to share what they are looking for so we can build the vision!

A house that is inviting and gives comfort to all people

With a large flexible room for a variety of uses and table configurations

With additional rooms for classrooms and an office

With a kitchen that has room to be used in teaching and snacking

With a garage or shed for big tools and storage

With a yard for nature exploration and community gardens

That is as reasonably accessible to all people (ADA, transit, easy to find, safe location).

That is near additional resources (hardware store, craft store, resale store, food and more)

That has space to include a display museum, a snack shop, resale, homemade and interest based sales, and a swap shop for reuse items.

This is not a school but a place for families to learn together. The facility would be available to kids of all ages though parental supervision would be required for minors. The design is to have open exploration time, specific class/event sessions and rental options. Costs would range from day/event rates to memberships. Some supplies would be available for full use while others will be reserved for events. Events will be a mix of specific age (including young and adult) as well as mixed age.

This is a family run business. The purchase or rental budget are restrictive but please send suggestions if you know of a facility!